Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy

Our podcast is just us, chatting about activity, food, mindset, and life in general.

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Tuesday Aug 08, 2023

Join us as we chat about all about habits! Where did the myth of the “21 days to build a habit” come from? Why are some habits so darn hard to develop? What happens when we stop doing a habit? We’re both getting back into our habit of regular yoga practice, and we’re loving it. Finally, Sandy’s been hanging on to some JUICY information that she knows Henny will find super gross!
**Show Notes**
Podcast we mentioned:
Better with Dr. Stephanie

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023

Join us as we chat about homemade cookies, interestingly-spiced tacos, and marshmallows - yum! We discuss The Marshmallow Test, a research study completed in 1972, and what it can (or can’t) teach us about will power, self control, and delayed gratification. Finally, we decide that there is, indeed, something different about us - we think it’s the summer!
**Show Notes**
Podcast we mentioned:
Hidden Brain (episode titled The Marshmallow Test)

Tuesday Jul 25, 2023

Join us as we chat about social situations, social awkwardness, and social blunders. Our resident social butterfly, Sandy, is a pro at making the best impressions even if she doesn’t realize it for herself. We’ve also been listening to a new podcast that we think you should check out if you’re interested in delving into the various ways our bodies and our minds impact each other. Finally, what’s your favourite way to use up pineapple juice? Henny’s got 1.365 L to get through!
**Show Notes**
Podcasts we mentioned:
MindBody Matters: The Mind and Body Connection
Hidden Brain (episode titled How Others See You)

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023

Join us as we chat about all of the things we have been told about drinking water and eating protein . . . and then we share some of the new things we’ve learned about these healthy habits. Sandy is preparing for her first experience at a Supper Club, so we delve into some ice-breaker questions too. What are three words you would use to describe yourself?
**Show Notes**
Podcasts we mentioned:
Food, We Need to Talk
How to Be Fine

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023

Join us as we chat about eating while travelling, the controlled precision of binge-eating, and why everyone really be open to some therapy. Sandy had given Henny some homework to do a few weeks ago, so she follows up today on fat camp and sneaking food. Finally, we extend the conversation that Henny and Tim started in Episode 218, and it’s a good time!

Tuesday Jul 04, 2023

Join us as we chat about what life has been like for both of us in the past two weeks. We haven’t listened, watched, or read anything interesting, nor do we have hard-hitting facts or opinions about health and wellness. Instead, Henny has finally moved homes, Sandy was on a trip of a lifetime, and neither one of us has talked to the other in 10 days! It’s an update episode!

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023

Join us for a very special chat with Henny and our delightful, intelligent, and compassionate guest co-host while Sandy is away on vacation. Henny gets put in the hot seat as our guest asks her all the hard-hitting questions about weight gain, binge eating, food noise, Ozempic, and more. You don’t want to miss it!
**Show Notes**
Links to the articles we mentioned:

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023

Join us as we chat more about the rules we put in place surrounding food when it comes to the little ones in our lives. Do we put parameters around when they can eat dessert? Do we insist they eat everything on their plate? Do we limit the number of items they may eat? Henny goes down memory lane, and while she hasn’t fact-checked it all, she’s pretty sure she remembers her experiences at fat camp correctly. Finally, Sandy is on the precipice of trying something new: a Supper Club! Sounds tasty!
**Show Notes**
Book we mentioned:
Fat Talk: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture by Virginia Sole-Smith
Podcast we mentioned:
Maintenance Phase

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023

Join us as we chat about how to talk about fatness, diet culture, and healthy living with children. Henny admits to a seriously problematic thing that she has said (on numerous occasions) to students, and Sandy is both horrified and satisfied to learn that Henny is, indeed, a flawed individual. We also go down memory lane to remember times in our lives that we have identified as particularly great. What was your best year?
**Show Notes**
Book we mentioned:
Fat Talk: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture by Virginia Sole-Smith

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023

Join us as we chat about all the things we can’t control that we worry about anyway. We also get into some serious discussion about health, illness, and the importance (or not) of a diagnosis. Finally, we’ve both recently had really strange (and annoying) situations in parking garages, on highways, and in building lobbies in Toronto. And yet, we both love the city of Toronto! What city do you love?
**Show Notes**
Book we mentioned:
This Boy We Made by Taylor Harris

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