Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy

Our podcast is just us, chatting about activity, food, mindset, and life in general.

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Tuesday Oct 01, 2019

Join us this week as we talk about Sandy’s trip to an Alpaca Factory (it may or may not be what you imagine) and the idea of setting intentions for the next 90 days rather than waiting for the New Year to set goals and make resolutions. We also laugh a bit at ourselves and our ridiculous attempt at getting Sandy to fly. Apparently it’s Henny’s fault it didn’t work very well the first time. ;)

Tuesday Sep 24, 2019

Beyond the Weight with Henny & Sandy Episode 24: Commander’s Challenge CompletedJoin us this week as we chat about our experience last weekend at the 2019 Army Run in Ottawa and how important it is to surround yourself with like-minded individuals. We also chat about the fact that our lives, our eating habits, and our whys for living healthily are constantly shifting and changing . . . and why we both believe that to be a good thing.
*Sorry! The first version of this was missing the last 10 minutes . . . this is the updated version!*#wwbesties #wwgals #armyrun2019 #ottawa #nonstopchatter #whatsyourwhy #isitworthit #todayisnotthatday #motivate #inspire #torontogirlsfromthehammer

Tuesday Sep 17, 2019

Join us this week as we have been reunited in Toronto and spent a morning together completing our last training run before the Ottawa Commander's Challenge (5km + 21.1km), eating the elusive Walnut Crunch donut from Grandads Donuts, and laughing at each other's ridiculousness. We also chat a bit about the WW Workshops, how they've changed, and why we both find them so important to our ongoing success. Sandy is also convinced that a Henny & Sandy duo would absolutely KICK BUTT on the Amazing Race Canada!

Tuesday Sep 10, 2019

Join us this week as we talk about The Power of Habit, a book that spoke to Henny’s soul, and the way Sandy tried to trick her husband into eating tofu. We also chat about a bit of a controversial topic: weight loss and healthy eating for children. We share our experiences and opinions, and we’d love to hear yours.

Tuesday Sep 03, 2019

Join us this week as we chat about our adventures in wetsuits! Sandy regales us with stories from her amazing trip in Ecuador and the Galapagos, and Henny recounts her experiences training for and completing a Triathlon. We also talk about getting right back on plan after having eaten outside the norm and how we prepare for new schedules and routines by prioritizing and prepping.

Tuesday Aug 27, 2019

Join us this week as we chat about the things that make us happy - the first coffee of the morning, clean bed sheets, and chatting with people we love - and why happiness is so important for our journeys to health and wellness. We also talk a bit about Sandy’s medical examination in preparation for writing her Peruvian Driver’s License test and Henny’s fantastic customer service experience at the Roger’s Centre.

Tuesday Aug 20, 2019

Join us this week as we chat about how we see ourselves differently from the way that other people see us, how it’s overrated to curate our instagram feeds, and how we’ve grown to be comfortable in the skins we’re in. We also learn that Sandy has no problem stripping down, that Henny doesn’t look at herself in the mirror after dressing in the morning, and that both of us are pretty vain when it comes to our hair!

Tuesday Aug 13, 2019

Join us this week as we chat about Henny’s recent trip to Orlando, how inaccessible our world is for many people, and how important it is to have empathy and compassion for all. We also chat about that fact that Sandy is occasionally a whiny baby, but she always gets the job done.

Tuesday Aug 06, 2019

Join us this week as we talk about the adventures we’ve been on in the past couple of weeks . . . exploring the jungles of Peru, visiting the Grand Canyon, and spending some quality time at Mickey’s House (a.k.a. DisneyWorld). We also chat about the fact that the WW program is not a diet requiring perfection. Instead, it’s about living life, enjoying food, and being healthy. And that’s why we love it!

Tuesday Jul 30, 2019

Join us this week as we chat about some pearls of wisdom we have picked up from books and podcasts we’ve been enjoying. We also talk about body confidence: bathing suits, leg dimples, bras, and front bums (if you have one, you know what we’re talking about!).

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