Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy

Our podcast is just us, chatting about activity, food, mindset, and life in general.

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Tuesday Dec 26, 2023

Join us as we chat about what we learned as children about cooking and cleaning, how we divide labour in our relationships, whether or not we should be actively de-centering men in our lives. Having other people in our lives can be enriching and rewarding, but it can cause extra stress too! How do we stay healthy and well AND manage the people in our lives? Finally, we discuss where we belong when it comes to generational categories, and Henny is fired up about it!
**Show Notes**
Podcast we mentioned:
How to Be Fine
Book we mentioned:
You Could Make This Place Beautiful by Maggie Smith

Tuesday Dec 19, 2023

Join us as we chat about how super cool we both are. Sandy’s life right now consists of doing puzzles and making jam. Henny’s greatest excitement in life currently is the book she’s reading about roads, animal crossing, and roadkill. We also discuss some interesting ideas about anti-fat bias and how challenging it is to disrupt deep-rooted thoughts and perspectives.
**Show Notes**
Podcast we mentioned:
We Can Do Hard Things (Episode #262)
Book we mentioned:
Crossings: How Road Ecology is Shaping the Future of Our Planet by Ben Goldfarb

Tuesday Dec 12, 2023

Join us as we chat about the importance of making social connections with the people around us and especially with the people at our work places. We discuss the factors necessary for forming and deepening social connections: positivity, consistency, and vulnerability. Finally, we learn that Henny has become a bit of a social butterfly, and it’s freaking her out.
**Show Notes**
Podcast we mentioned:
The Happiness Lab

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023

Join us as we chat about the pressure so many people feel to make changes to their bodies in order to meet the expectations of others around them. We also discuss our thoughts on whether or not doctors should be advertising (or maybe even offering) cosmetic procedures. Finally, Henny is experiencing a new level of towelgate in her new home; luckily, Sandy sent her an emotional support pickle, so she is coping quite well despite the mess.
**Show Notes**
Podcast we mentioned:
We Can Do Hard Things (Episode #255)
Instagram follow we mentioned:

Tuesday Nov 28, 2023

Join us as we chat about the variety of different reasons we may feel loss and how that feeling presents itself in our lives. We remind one another that the way we are feeling at any given moment is not ridiculous, and that we have a right to feel. On a lighter note, Henny continues to conduct her entire life by the alarms on her phone while Sandy is pondering life as a coupon-clipper!
**Show Notes**
Instagram Follows we mentioned:

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023

Join us as we chat about our aging bodies and the way we are made to feel about our aging bodies by society, media, and our own subconscious. We also discuss asking ourselves why we feel the way we do. For example, if we don’t feel like going to an event, why not? If we feel like we have to dye our hair, why is that? Finally, Henny is a real party pooper, and her students are beginning to learn that quickly.
**Show Notes**
Podcast we mentioned:
Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023

Join us as we chat about emotional agility and four helpful tricks for getting unstuck when we’re caught in negative thought patterns and troublesome habits. We also discuss how our key values can work against us and how we can use them to achieve satisfaction and happiness in all areas of our lives. Finally, Sandy is SURE that our phones are listening to us and may even be out to get us!
**Show Notes**
Podcast we mentioned:
Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023

Join us as we chat about the beauty of the changing seasons and whether or not we think we could live in a place that doesn’t have four distinct seasons. Sandy’s been Christmas shopping, wrapping, and writing Christmas cards. Henny’s still growing tomatoes. Finally, we discuss the many parallels between dating and eating for health. Have you found your match?
**Show Notes**
Podcasts we mentioned:
Flightless Bird
How to Be Fine

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023

Join us as we chat about feeling the feel and taking the wheel! We dive into Oprah’s newest book and learn all about our emotions, what they’re telling us, and how we should listen to them. We take a test to figure out our positive affect profile. We discuss how emotions have physical sensations. And we end the podcast on a happy note.
**Show Notes**
Book we mentioned:
Build the Life You Want by Arthur C. Brooks and Oprah Winfrey

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023

Join us as we chat about things Sandy and Henny can’t do. For example, Sandy can’t use an immersion blender and ends up spraying soup all over the kitchen every single time while Henny can’t be the squeaky wheel trying to get the grease no matter what she does. We discuss some of the tense conversations Sandy’s been having lately, and we ponder how incredibly easy it is to be kind . . . and wonder why people can be so mean.
**Show Notes**
Podcast we mentioned:
The Happiness Lab
Book we mentioned:
Fat Talk by Virginia Sole-Smith

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