Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy

Our podcast is just us, chatting about activity, food, mindset, and life in general.

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Tuesday Aug 13, 2024

This week’s question had us both singing a tune. We think it would be weird if someone didn’t sing to themselves on a regular basis, don’t you?!
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024

Join us as we chat about managing our expectations when we are embarking on experiences that we have been through before. Should we expect things to always go exactly the way we remember? How do we leave room for things to be a bit different? We also discuss the important of physical affection and decide that we both definitely are “huggers”.
**Show Notes**
Show we mentioned:
America's Sweethearts (on Netflix)
Podcast we mentioned:
No Stupid Questions

Tuesday Jul 30, 2024

This week’s question was an easy one for us, and our answers should come as no surprise to anyone! Once you listen, you’ll have to let us know whose day you’d like to join. ;)
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Jul 23, 2024

This week’s question was one to which we already knew each other’s answers; however, it still sparked a great convo about why we may or may not practice the things we say ahead of time.
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024

This week’s question was an easy one for both of us! What do you think?
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Jul 09, 2024

This week’s question: Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024

Join us as we chat about kitchen gadgets we think we may need (and other gadgets we wish we had long ago). We also discuss how much easier it is to spend money on others rather than ourselves. Finally, we start off season two by getting into the nitty gritty of social connection and making friends as adults. What’s your best line for engaging with others in a social setting?
**Show Notes**
Podcast we mentioned:
How to Be Fine

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024

Join us as we chat about what’s coming up on Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy! We are taking a hiatus for the month of June, but we are coming back fresh and ready for SEASON TWO in July! That’s right everyone! After 267 episodes (the longest first season ever), we are getting geared up for a fun new season.
Here’s how it will work:
- The first Tuesday of the month, you’ll get an episode similar to the ones you’re used to hearing from us. We’ll keep you busy for about an hour talking about things to watch, read, listen to, and think about related to health, wellness, nutrition, weight loss, body image, and all other things beyond the weight.
- The subsequent Tuesdays of the month, you’ll get a short episode where we will answer a question that is designed to help us get to know one another better and to help you get to know us too!
Listen on Podbean or Apple Podcasts. Link in profile.

Tuesday May 28, 2024

Join us as we chat about our love of beeswax wraps, pork tacos, grocery shopping, memoirs, and salads in the summer. We revisit the advice we learned about several weeks ago about eating a variety of fruits and veggies each week, and we check in with each other to see what we’ve been eating lately. Finally, we discuss a few things that are keeping us busy such as long audiobooks, riveting documentaries, and ready-to-go salads.
**Show Notes**
Book we mentioned:
My Name is Barbra by Barbra Streisand
Shows we mentioned:
Steve! (Martin) A Documentary in 2 Pieces
Only Murders in the Building
Podcast we mentioned:
Food, We Need to Talk

Tuesday May 21, 2024

Join us as we chat about Sandy’s recent birthday celebrations, and we think you’ll agree she celebrated correctly! Then we discuss our on-going and ever-developing thoughts and feelings about body positivity, weight loss, diet culture, and weight loss drugs. Things we know: our bodies are amazing and we love feeling good in our bodies. Things we don’t know: literally everything else. Our apologies for the extra-long episode!
**Show Notes**
Shows we mentioned:
The Jinx Part Two
What Jennifer Did
Don’t F*** With Cats
Baby Reindeer
Podcasts we mentioned:
MeSsy with Christina Applegate and Jamie-Lynn Sigler
Honestly with Bari Weiss

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