
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Join us this week to talk about healthy fats and how our views on consuming fat have changed over time (and relatively recently). We also chat a bit about trying new things like Oprah and Deepak’s Free Meditation Experience (yes, we said “free”), the variety of wonderful things you can do with 2 Ingredient Dough (it’s actually a thing!), and the foods we don’t care for (spoiler: Sandy loves everything; Henny does not!).

Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Join us this week as we chat about how "never" has been removed from our vocabularies and how we manage to run “together” even though we live approx. 6200km apart. We also talk about Henny’s activity adventures with POUND, Kettlebell class, and suspension yoga, and Sandy tells us how SHOCKED she got at physio!

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Join us this week to talk about some of the physical activity we’ve been busy with (e.g., hula-hooping, swimming, push-ups, etc.) and some of the challenges that come along with those activities. We also chat a bit about some fun food finds that Sandy had in the plethora of grocery stores she visited, the importance of listening to your body, and the pity parties we occasionally have for ourselves.

Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Join us this week to talk about how we are managing current changes in our lives - a change in location for Sandy and a change in routine for Henny. We also chat a bit about building positive social relationships online and discuss whether or not there are, in fact, different types of English Muffins.

Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Join us this week to talk about Sandy's yogurt-making escapades and Henny’s moment of gratitude. We also chat a bit about whether or not we believe and karma and share some of our upcoming adventures including horseback riding, spending time in the sunshine, and hula hooping.

Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Welcome to Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy! This is a weekly podcast about two regular women talking about life and healthy living!
Join us this week to talk about Sandy's whirlwind trip to Canada and her recent return to Lima. We also chat a bit about vulnerability, what makes a productive and helpful conversation, and our deep-rooted closet eating habits.

Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Welcome to Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy! This is a weekly podcast about two regular women talking about life and healthy living!
Join us this week to talk about what's been keeping us so busy and how we try to make sleep a priority. We also chat a bit about Cabbage Patch Dolls, the origin of our names, and our cereal and donut eating escapades.

Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Welcome to Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy! This is a newly WEEKLY podcast about two regular women talking about life and healthy living!
Join us this week to talk about (finally) our experience running Ragnar Niagara. We also chat a bit about some of the other activities we enjoy getting up to and a super-engaging book written by Shonda Rimes called The Year of Yes. We also giggle - a lot.

Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
Welcome to Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy! This is a bi-weekly podcast about two regular women talking about life and healthy living!
Join us this week to talk about Sandy's first half marathon in Lima and our upcoming Ragnar race. We also chat a bit about the importance of being realistic with ourselves about our expectations for ourselves related to weight loss, learning Spanish, and living a healthy life.

Tuesday May 14, 2019
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Welcome to Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy! This is a bi-weekly podcast about two regular women talking about life and healthy living!
Join us this week to talk about Sandy's birthday celebrations and Henny's Mother's Day walk with her mom. We also chat a bit about why and how protein has become a vital part of our diets, and Sandy shares an interesting finding she's had recently about how she copes with negative emotions. Oh . . . and we discuss our spirit animals.