Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy

Our podcast is just us, chatting about activity, food, mindset, and life in general.

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Tuesday Oct 22, 2024

This week’s question was tricky because we both had an answer that we weren’t too thrilled about having. Come along with us this week as we discuss our mortality . . . yeah . . . it’s a bit deep.
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Oct 15, 2024

This week’s question was an easy one for us. There are lots of things we’d like to be able to do. Some of which we could do if we put our minds to it, and others . . . are probably not available to us. Too bad!
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Oct 08, 2024

This week’s question was a fun one, and we even learned some new things about each other! We get to thinking about how we identify ourselves . . . is it by our accomplishments, our careers, our families, our hobbies, or something else?
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Oct 01, 2024

Join us as we chat a bit more about navigating friendships as adults with busy lives. We discuss how valuable different people are to us for different reasons and why we need a variety of friends and friend-like people to keep us fulfilled. We also get to talking about how early one of us needs to plan a Halloween costume and how early the other one us starts buying Christmas gifts. Do you know which one of us is which?
**Show Notes**
Podcast we mentioned:
How to Be Fine (specifically the episode titled “The Friend Council”)

Tuesday Sep 24, 2024

This week’s question was nothing we haven’t talked about before, but you know us . . . we still had plenty to say! We often reminisce about our childhoods, and we’re both pretty fortunate to have had pretty good ones.
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Sep 17, 2024

This week’s question was an easy one for us both to answer. We’re both very fortunate to be living fairly happy and healthy lives right now. We wish you all the same in the days and weeks to come!
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Sep 10, 2024

This week’s question had us reminiscing and laughing about all the ways we look the same, act similarly, and are guaranteed to have crossed paths years and years ago.
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Sep 03, 2024

Join us as we chat about how much easier and less stressful life would be if we all got just a little bit better at communicating. Think about all the times we fret about what is going to be served at a dinner party we’re attending. Or all the times we worry about what someone meant by a text they send. Or all the times we are unsure about what to wear, eat, or prepare before visiting our friend’s house. Why don’t we just ask?!
**Show Notes**
Book we mentioned:
The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker
Shows we mentioned:
Love is Blind UK (on Netflix)
Love is Blind (on Netflix)

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024

This week’s question got us thinking about some scary things, some peaceful things, and some responsible things. Sometimes the things that are the toughest to talk about are also the most important.
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Aug 20, 2024

This week’s question is a “would you rather” that is impossible to answer. How could you possibly choose between a young body and a young mind?! We want both . . . does that make us greedy?
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

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