Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy

Our podcast is just us, chatting about activity, food, mindset, and life in general.

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Tuesday Mar 03, 2020

Join us this week as we express our relief at not getting chosen to run the NYC marathon this year and how delightful it is that Sandy just keeps on signing up for races that bring her back to Toronto (priceless!). We also chat a bit (okay, a lot) about Grocery: the Buying and Selling of Food in America, a book that blew both of our minds and about the most recent podcast episodes of Oprah’s 2020 Vision Tour with guests Kate Hudson and Tracee Ellis Ross. Finally, we share some of the strange little habits we both have, and we’d love to hear if you have some weird habits too!

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020

Join us this week as we chat about our recent NSVs (non-scale victories). Sandy recounts her sand dune tobogganing and dipsy-doodling airplane adventures from the past week and Henny describes her very first pilates experience. We share our most memorable NSVs, and we also talk a bit how valuable it is to be open to new experiences, to reflect on how we’re feeling, and to continually learn about ourselves and about our world. Be sure to share with us your most memorable NSV!

Tuesday Feb 18, 2020

Join us this week as we talk about some of the upcoming fun things we’re going to be enjoying together (e.g., Spoken Lives on March 30th and Jann Arden Concert in May). We also chat a bit about Valentine’s Day and what we actually think about it (you know we won’t shy away from sharing our true opinions). Finally, Sandy shares an interesting quote with us from the Today is the Day Podcast that gets us thinking about what brought us to joining WW for the last time.

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020

Join us this week as we discuss some of the deep and thoughtful yet incredible simple ideas we’ve come across lately. Feelings are fluid. Each moment is a new one. We are never in exactly the same place (literally or metaphorically) twice. We chat a bit about Deepak and Oprah’s Free 21 Meditation Series (you should really check it out), and we break down are exact opinions and thoughts about the Super Bowl Halftime show (now that Sandy finally saw it - her 1st halftime show experience!).

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020

Join us this week as we discuss the role our thoughts play in the way we feel about ourselves and about others and in the way we act and the things we do. We also chat about a book that we’re both reading (Evicted by Matthew Desmond) which proves that we do have interests outside of entering crazy races and reading about healthy living! Sandy shares her opinion of the Superbowl Halftime show (even though she never saw it) and Henny gets very agitated (what else is new) about people who wear headphones while trying to carry on a conversation with her!
#wwgals #wwbesties #podcastgroove #readtolearn #solvingworldissues #takeyourearphonesout #mindsetshift #itsallaboutthemind #mindandbody #loveforlatinas #TOLimawithlove

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020

Join us this week as we talk about why we procrastinate doing things that we know will make us feel good. We also chat about Henny’s strange (and irritating) recent experience at a Dollarama and Sandy’s positive (and uplifting) recent experience at a ladies’ luncheon. Finally, we delve into the importance of having a sense of belonging . . . and how we both found that in WW Workshops!

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020

Join us this week as we talk about foods we love now that didn’t always get the love they deserved. We also chat a bit about a book Henny recently read (Heavy by Kiese Laymon) and about Sandy’s first online chat with a life coach in training. Finally, Sandy tells us that we should all watch Brittany Runs a Marathon . . . and now she’s decided that we should throw our names into the lottery for the New York City Marathon 2020! Yikes!

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020

Join us this week as we have both settled nicely into 2020 and are excited to chat with one another and with all of you. We chat a bit about Henny’s guest appearance on Cat ’n Nat’s Facebook Live last week and make plans for a Beyond the Weight Live Video Episode coming your way in March. We also talk about setting up our physical environments to promote success with our weight and with our general well-being.

Tuesday Jan 07, 2020

Join us this week as we wrap up our holidays and talk about our plans for 2020. Henny gets a bit nerdy about Disney, and Sandy could not care less. Sandy shares a bit about her body’s reaction to stressful situations and is delighted by the support she has received in WW workshops while she’s been home in Toronto. We also chat about the three different myWW plans and how they can support us at all points of our journeys and in all places. Finally, we get a bit over-excited (or maybe just the right amount of excited) about Five Cup Salad because, you know, it really is all about the food for us!

Tuesday Dec 17, 2019

Join us this week as we chat about the things in our (mostly Henny's) drawers. We also talk about detachment - the idea that sometimes we just need to release ourselves from the pressure of something for a short while. We discuss the importance of really working the WW plans (Green/Blue/Purple) and laugh a bit about the traditions we adhere to just because we always have (even though no one wants to do them).
We have had a blast sharing our thoughts, ideas, and selves with you all throughout a large part of 2019. This is our last episode of the year! We are travelling and celebrating the holidays with our families, and we will be back to podcasting in the New Year! We will be live to you again on January 7th! Happy Holidays!

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