
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Join us this week as we chat about a variety of different causes of weight gain as outlined in a new episode of the Today is the Day Podcast. We also discuss some of the major learnings we have had that we believe have helped us to maintain our weight loss (and you might be surprised to know that the things we identify as most important are different for each of us). Finally, Henny geeks out a bit about a new podcast (WE Well-being) that is being hosted by Sophie Trudeau because Tessa Virtue is one of the guests (Henny is a major figure skating fan), and Sandy makes fun of her for watching over 4 hours of “Open Ice Live!”, a COVID-relief fundraiser featuring skaters from around the world.

Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Join us this week as we chat about the thing we most want to do when this quarantine/lockdown life is over (or at least relaxed a bit). We also talk at length about (okay, so we gush a bit) our latest read: Melinda Gates’ memoir, The Moment of Lift. We hear about Sandy’s second attempt at a Barre class and her obsession with her soda stream. Finally, we challenge ourselves (and you) to take part in some of the new activities through FitOn on your WW App (for WW members).

Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Join us this week as we chat about flexibility. What makes us flexible or inflexible and how can we train ourselves to be a bit more flexible? We also talk about Sandy’s first experience taking a Barre class and Henny’s foray into the world of Richard Simmons videos! Finally, we share some of our take-aways from a Facebook Live interview between Dr. Bernice King (who Henny didn’t realize is the daughter of Martin Luther King Jr.) and Dr. Brene Brown (our fav)! Also, did you notice that we have a new professional logo?! Check out @backporchcreative if you’re ever looking for a photographer, graphic designer, or a doer of anything else creative!

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Join us this week as we chat about what happens when we put something out on social media or in a web-based place; do we have to accept whatever other people choose to do with it? We also discuss a new book that Sandy is waiting for from the library and that Henny is already reading (much to Sandy’s chagrin) - Alicia Keys’ memoir, More Myself. Sandy talks a bit about Dirty Money, an interesting docu-series on Netflix, and we chat a bit about fresh herbs, which ones we like, and how we use them. Do you have an herb you love to use? Or maybe one that you can’t stand?

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Join us this week as we chat about Sandy’s creativity in the kitchen (Artichoke hummus, baby!) and Henny’s love of Libby (albeit not a real person!). We gush a bit more about Brene Brown’s new podcast, Unlocking Us, and discuss how we can over-function and under-function in different areas of our lives. Finally, it wouldn’t be a complete podcast if one of us didn’t laugh a bit at the other, so this week it’s Henny’s turn to take the heat. Tune in so you can have a bit of a laugh at her expense too!

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Join us this week as we celebrate our 50th episode! We chat about one of the best books Henny has ever read: Heavy by Kiese Laymon. We also delve further into our love (and Sandy’s obsession) with Brene Brown and discuss her concept of comparative suffering. We learn about all sorts of new delicious meals Sandy’s been making lately find out the difference between shepherd’s pie and cottage pie (which we think we’ve talked about before)! Finally, inquiring minds want to know: do you read the end of the book first?

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Join us this week as we chat all things digital. We discuss the positives of pushing people to take the risk to try to use digital tools when they’ve been resistant to them in the past. Sandy makes fun of Henny for not organizing any of her closets, rooms, or crawlspace yet, and then she makes fun of Henny again for listening to a book about parenting (in which she learned more than she ever wanted to know about vaginal tearing). Finally, Sandy tells us a bit more about the documentary she’s following on Netflix which begins a discussion about how we are building routines and schedules to follow as we experience the current pandemic.

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Join us this week as we chat a bit about what life is looking like for us as Sandy is on Lockdown in Lima and as Henny practises extreme Social Distancing in Toronto. We discuss some foods (Two Ingredient Dough & Crackslaw) and shows (Pandemic & 100 Humans) we’ve been enjoying and delve into why perfection is not attainable. We may or may not mention our most recent favourite book again . . . and we rave about our newest indoor activity fad: abotti! Seriously - you have to get your walk on with us and @abottiwithantonietta!

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Join us this week as we go into a deep dive about James Clear’s amazing book, Atomic Habits. We gush about everything in the book from the idea of “habit stacking” to the fact that anticipating something great can bring just as much or more pleasure than the actual experience to the concept that having a goal-oriented mindset is not actually that helpful. We thank you in advance for allowing us this love fest and hope that you will pick up the book and enjoy it for yourself! Check out some of the interesting handouts and graphs that go with the book here at https://jamesclear.com/atomic-habits. Have you read it? Let us know your thoughts? Are you going to read it? Let us know when you do!

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Join us this week as we chat about body parts that did, do, and don’t make us self-conscious (yes, we do talk a fair bit about our lady bits). In this episode, we learn that Henny always has a paperback book on the go and never thought to be concerned about what things looked like down there, and we learn that Sandy has many versions of herself that aren’t too pleasant to be around (i.e., Hungry Sandy is especially challenging). We also talk about a couple of interesting books (Atomic Habits by James Clear and The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz) and we discuss - at length - our opinions about the Blue Dot Challenge. Let us know how you feel about the Blue Dots!