Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy

Our podcast is just us, chatting about activity, food, mindset, and life in general.

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Tuesday Dec 08, 2020

Join us as we chat all things gratitude. We are both so grateful for all we have in our lives and for the people who care for us and about us. We recognize that despite the challenges that 2020 has brought, we have much to be grateful for, and that personally, neither one of us has had to sacrifice much to stay safe and healthy. Henny reminds us of some of the strategies she learned in the Science of Well-Being course offered by Yale through Truly, if you haven’t checked it out yet, it’s free and it’s at your fingertips. Do it! (Here’s the link: We also discuss the strategy of 3 Good Things, and Henny puts Sandy on the spot (as per usual) to come up with 3 good things from her day. What are your 3 good things today?

Tuesday Dec 01, 2020

Join us this week as we chat about how exciting it is to receive anything in the mail! Sandy tells us about her less than ideal experience using the new What’s In My Fridge feature with mmWW+ (because she was clearly expecting magic), and Henny shares what is actually motivating her to finally track her sleep. Finally, we re-visit the book, Eating on the Wild Side, and learn all about Sandy’s adventures with juicing and extremely lame lettuce habit (thank goodness she kicked that one!). (Our apologies for a bit of wonky sound on Henny’s side - all will be rectified next week.)

Tuesday Nov 24, 2020

Join us this week as we chat about being average - when did average become a bad thing? Henny also tells Sandy all about her latest obsession (spoiler alert: it’s a book). Insight: The Surprising Truth About How Others See Us, How We See Ourselves, and Why the Answers Matter More Than We Think has rocked her world, and she wants all of you (and Sandy) to read it ASAP! Finally, we discuss the new and improved myWW+ program! From the updated weekly check-in procedure to the 5 Minute Coaching audio lessons to the What’s In My Fridge feature, it’s sure to keep you busy and get you on track to being healthy and well!

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020

Join us as we chat about the importance and satisfaction of an emotional release (a.k.a. a good cry). We then get to discussing some things that are bound to make us laugh and others that are surefire ways to make us cry. Sandy shares her brush with fame as a lovely message from an author slid into her DMs. This gets us to talking a bit about compassion, the relationships we both had with our grandmothers, and the lessons we learned about compassion from them. And finally, why does Sandy’s face look like that? Tune in to find out!

Tuesday Nov 10, 2020

Join us as we chat about the efforts we make (or don’t make) to really make a home-away-from-home feel like home (Spoiler Alert: One of us does a LOT to make things feel like home and the other does NOTHING). We also discuss all things portions and how we work to be portion conscious in our daily lives. Henny shares a WW Technique for learning to identify the portions we are consuming and to decide whether or not those portion sizes are serving us well. Finally, we reflect on the way that the myWW program colour plans open us up to new ways of eating and new vegetables too (hello, leeks!).

Tuesday Nov 03, 2020

Join us as we chat all things stress: what it is, where it comes from, where it lives in our bodies, how to move through the cycle of stress release, and finally, how to protect ourselves from emotional exhaustion and burnout. Thank you the Unlocking Us podcast and Brene Brown’s conversation with Emily and Amelia Nagoski for giving us the inspiration and vocabulary to have this discussion. We also have a very important query about yoga mats: it there a right side up?

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020

Join us as we chat about our experiences using a foam roller with a short 8 minute FitOn workout. We also chat about Sandy’s recent switch to Green on myWW and how much she’s LOVING it and what she’s learning about her eating habits. Finally we discuss some of the food items that we have both started making ourselves instead of purchasing (e.g., Hello, hummus!) and some of the lower SmartPoint option foods that don’t interest us too much anymore (e.g., Everyone say, “rice cakes”!).

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020

Join us as we chat about Sandy’s latest book obsession: Eating on the Wild Side. We discuss vegetables we love, the ways we can make sure we are getting the vitamins we need, and what exactly plant-based eating means to us. Henny tells us a bit about an exercise in empathy in which she took part this week, and we get to talking about the privileges we have in Canadian society. We finish the episode with a little gratitude exercise: three things in general, two specific things, and one thing related to WW. What are you most grateful for in this moment?

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020

Join us this week as we are heading in the final stretch of 2020. After chatting at length about our television habits, we finally get to talking about health and wellness. Sandy came ready to chat this week and, much to her surprise, she gets Henny to spill all her deepest darkest COVID closet-eating secrets. It’s really too bad that you can’t see Sandy do her best Kramer-from-Seinfeld impression, but we are sure you will chuckle to yourself if you try to imagine it!

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020

Join us this week as we chat about the stereotypes and assumptions society has taught us to hold about people who carry extra weight (even when we carry that extra weight ourselves). We used Jasmin Singer’s book Always Too Much and Never Enough as a starting point for this important conversation. On a much more shallow note, Henny gives a full (raving) review of @crumbunsbakeshop Butter Tart Piewich and her new @skinnytaste Meal Prep cookbook. Finally, we talk skins - fruit skins, that is. Do you eat them? Like . . . even the skin of a kiwi?

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