Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy

Our podcast is just us, chatting about activity, food, mindset, and life in general.

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Tuesday Feb 09, 2021

Join us as we chat about Sandy’s most recent kitchen antics including fermenting cabbage to make kimchi and massaging kale to make kale . . . edible. This leads into a conversation of the difference between fermented foods and pickled foods (a topic of which we know absolutely nothing). We ponder how we get ourselves motivated to accomplish the things we set out to do when procrastination station seems to be holding us captive. Finally, we dive into a deep and meaningful discussion about foods that taste so much better than they look. What do you find delicious that looks a total mess?

Tuesday Feb 02, 2021

Join us as we chat about napping: does it work, is it good for you, and is feeling “sleep drunk” an actual thing? We also discuss mindful eating habits, and how important it is to consider not just what you eat but how you eat it. Did you know that there are actually two different styles of holding cutlery? And that they impact the way you eat? Sandy fills us all in, and it’s fascinating. Finally, Henny shares about her recent switch to the Green plan on myWW+, and she’s loving it. It’s a chock-full episode! Enjoy!

Tuesday Jan 26, 2021

Join us as we chat about the fact that Sandy has truly become one of those crazy people who eat only seven almonds, and Henny has to eat her words a bit because Sandy’s not that crazy. Sandy also shares a bit of advice (to all of us, but mostly to Henny) about the things she learned women should be doing prior to menopause in order to prepare them to be healthy during the big change of life. Finally, we reminisce about our favourite things to read as children, gab about the customer loyalty programs we love, and decide whether or not Sandy is old enough benefit from a senior’s discount.

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021

Join us as we chat about Sandy’s obsession with her Soda Stream, her gorgeous Apple Streusel Muffins (recipe courtesy of, and her perfect waffles made with Flourish mix. Truly, Sandy’s breakfast game is on point. We discuss Out of the Shadows by Timea Nagy (co-authored with Shannon Moroney), a book that we’ve both recently finished; it was absolutely mind-blowing. Finally, we share our intentions for the year and have a great conversation about the difference between an intention and a goal. Did you set any intentions for 2021?

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021

Join us as we chat about things we hum and haw over and things we decide in an instant . . . have you ever spent ages deciding whether or not it was worth spending mere pennies but dropped a lump sum without a second thought? We also take a detour down memory lane to reminisce about the Magic Kingdom Rice Krispie Treats (not a euphemism). Then things get a bit more serious as Henny shares what she learned watching Tapped, a documentary about the bottled water industry. What’s your take on one-use plastic?

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021

Happy New Year! Join us as we chat about the pressure that many of us put on ourselves when we’re heading into a new year. We also discuss some of our favourite holiday treats (and you know with both indulged in a few of them over the holidays). Finally, we play a rousing game of This or That! Play along with us! Would your answers be the same as ours?

Tuesday Dec 29, 2020

Join us as we chat about the 3-letter “F” word and how we feel about its use in general vernacular. Henny has been listening to Nicole Byer’s podcast “Why Won’t You Date Me?”, and that gets us talking about our own experiences with dating as individuals who carried extra weight. Finally, we discuss the things we’re most looking forward to about the new year. What does 2021 hold for you? What are you looking forward to trying?

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020

Join us as we chat about Henny’s latest obsessions (if you thought she was kind of cool before, just you wait!). We discuss the latest book we’re both reading: Pandora’s Lunchbox by Melanie Warner. It’s a completely interesting read about the science and history of processed food. Have you ever left Kraft Singles in your fridge for 2 years just to see what happens to them? Spoiler Alert: Very little. Do you have any favourite cereals? Spoiler Alert: We sure do! Finally, Sandy discovers JOMO! Sometimes being forced to do things differently isn’t all bad! What have you been happy to miss out on this year? Spoiler Alert: Henny's list is particularly long.

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020

Join us as we chat hometown roots and big city living. Can you ever outgrow your hometown or are you always “at home” when you’re back home? Sandy has finished her Culinary Nutrition course and gives us a rundown of what she learned from the experience. As a result, we chat nutrient density, artificial sweeteners, and homemade toothpaste. As a part of a FitOn Challenge, Henny and Sandy were both challenged this week to find some sort of balance in a crazy position. Finally, Sandy tells us all about her recent experiences with online grocery shopping. (Spoiler Alert: They’re not all good.) Do you do your grocery shopping online? Would you suggest it?

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020

Join us as we chat all things gratitude. We are both so grateful for all we have in our lives and for the people who care for us and about us. We recognize that despite the challenges that 2020 has brought, we have much to be grateful for, and that personally, neither one of us has had to sacrifice much to stay safe and healthy. Henny reminds us of some of the strategies she learned in the Science of Well-Being course offered by Yale through Truly, if you haven’t checked it out yet, it’s free and it’s at your fingertips. Do it! (Here’s the link: We also discuss the strategy of 3 Good Things, and Henny puts Sandy on the spot (as per usual) to come up with 3 good things from her day. What are your 3 good things today?

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