Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy

Our podcast is just us, chatting about activity, food, mindset, and life in general.

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Tuesday Dec 31, 2024

This week’s question had us feeling all warm and tingly. We love love, and we loved chatting about how we show love to the people in our lives who are most important to us.
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Dec 24, 2024

This week’s question isn’t a repeat, but it does seem a bit similar to a question we had a few weeks ago. However, we have a completely new and interesting conversation about it. Can your romantic partner be your best friend?
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Dec 17, 2024

This week’s question got us thinking about change. Change is hard. Change is necessary. Change is ongoing and continuous. And usually, change is good. All that being said, we don't anticipate changes for us in the near future!
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Dec 10, 2024

This week’s question could have gone to the deep dark depths of despair, but somehow it brought us some laughter too. Wishing you all some light and love even when things are tough.
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Dec 03, 2024

Join us as we chat about Henny’s latest tea obsession and Sandy’s ongoing kitchen wizardry. We also discuss a variety of ways we can make food prep work a bit better for us. Finally, we chat about group behaviour, social phenomena, and how quickly ideas can spread as we break down a book we’ve both just finished.
**Show Notes**
Books we mentioned:
Revenge of the Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
Hi Honey, I’m Homo! Sitcoms, Specials, and the Queering of American Culture By Matt Baume

Tuesday Nov 26, 2024

This week’s question was uplifting for both of us. We had surprisingly similar answers too. If you want to put a smile on your face, you really have to answer this question!
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Nov 19, 2024

This week’s question got us a bit emotional and then it got us a bit silly. Would you expect anything else from the two of us?
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Nov 12, 2024

This week’s question was great food for thought! We got to thinking about what it actually means to have accomplished something and whether or not our “great” accomplishments have to be big things.
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

Tuesday Nov 05, 2024

Join us as we chat about so many of our favourite things: food, kitchen gadgets, people who comment on our weight, and the joys of being women. Just kidding . . . those aren’t all our favourite things, but we DO talk about them all this week! We go from air fryers to shepherd’s pie to menopause in just over an hour. Ready to join us?!
**Show Notes**
Podcast we mentioned:
Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel
Book we mentioned:
Eve: How the Female Body Drove 200 Million Years of Human Evolution by Cat Bohannon

Tuesday Oct 29, 2024

This week’s question was super fun, and we learned some new things about each other too. Why is it that we put things off when we really want them?
If you’re interested in seeing where the questions we’re using come from, google “Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions”.

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