Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy

Our podcast is just us, chatting about activity, food, mindset, and life in general.

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Tuesday Nov 16, 2021

Join us as we chat about the unrolling of WW’s new program: PersonalPoints! We discuss the things we love best about the program including its adherence to our own personal food preferences and they way it really incentivizing eating veggies! We also continue our discussion of Dr. Gary Foster’s book. This week’s chapter has us thinking about how our personal histories, our culture, and our self-talk impact the way we feel about ourselves and our bodies.
*Show Notes*
Book we mentioned:
The Shift: 7 Powerful Mindset Changes for Lasting Weight Loss by Dr. Gary Foster
Podcast we mentioned:
Factually! With Adam Conover (episode titled What is Weight Stigma? with Dr. Rebecca Puhl)

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021

Join us as we chat about mindset shifts three and four from Dr. Gary Foster’s new book: The Shift. We chat about setting small goals and the importance of positive reinforcement for those goals. We marvel at the myth of the 21-day-to-make-a-habit mindset. We also consider some ways we can leverage our strengths to help us live our healthiest and happiest lives. If you want to take the same quiz we did, go to and let us know your top character strengths!
Books we mentioned:
Hood Feminism by Mikki Kendall
The Shift: 7 Powerful Mindset Changes for Lasting Weight Loss by Dr. Gary Foster

Tuesday Nov 02, 2021

Join us as we chat about the first two mindset shifts presented in Dr. Gary Foster’s new book: The Shift. We’re talking all things self-compassion and thinking patterns. We’ve both had a few “aha” moments through the reading of the first third of the book, and we get deep into it in this episode. Also, Sandy is considering a new tattoo: THOUGHTS ARE NOT FACTS. What do you think? Should she do it?
*Show Notes*
Book we mentioned:
The Shift: 7 Powerful Mindset Changes for Lasting Weight Loss by Dr. Gary Foster

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021

Join us as we chat about a bunch of small changes that are so irritating like when your phone updates and the layout changes or when the grocery store decides to move around some of its products! We also discuss Jann Arden’s new book and share some of the little nuggets of wisdom we found within it. Henny talks a big about her latest young adult read and that gets her reminiscing about a shopping trip with a friend at a story with only straight sizes. Oh, the awkwardness!
Books we mentioned:
If I Knew Then by Jann Arden
Fat Chance, Charlie Vega by Crystal Maldonado
Podcast we mentioned:

Tuesday Oct 19, 2021

Join us as we chat about a whole bunch of podcasts and documentaries that we’ve been consuming lately. We also preview a new book titled, The Shift, that is written by WW’s Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Gary Foster. We are so excited about it! Finally, we get really serious about butter knife etiquette. First, should you wipe off your knife before sticking it into a new jar of spread? And second, should you wipe off your knife before putting it in the dishwasher? Please weigh in.
*Show Notes*
Show we mentioned:
Britney vs. Spears (Netflix)
Podcasts we mentioned:
Island Crime: Lisa is Missing
Island Crime: Gone Boys
Evil by Design
Book we mentioned:
The Shift: 7 Powerful Mindset Changes for Lasting Weight Loss by Dr. Gary Foster

Tuesday Oct 12, 2021

Join us as we chat about how easy it is to get over-committed and how difficult it is to just say “no”. We discuss the challenge we both face with taking on other people’s “monkeys” (as Sandy refers to it) and the fact that we have to be much more realistic with our own expectations of ourselves. Finally, we reflect on instances we’ve both experienced where people said things to us that perhaps were meant to be supportive but were really NOT.

Tuesday Oct 05, 2021

Join us as we chat about the characteristics of the SAD diet (that’s Standard American Diet in case you weren’t sure) and the fact that when you eat few fruits and veggies and lots of processed food, your body must be pretty sad! We then discuss a few different topics ranging from shame (and whether it comes from within or without of ourselves), happiness (and what it actually means), and the best advice for people who are struggling with the bodies in which they live.
*Show Notes*
Podcasts we mentioned:
Why Won’t You Date Me (Episode 141) with Roxane Gay
I Weigh with Jameela Jamil (Episode 6) with Roxane Gay
Books we mentioned:
Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay
Hunger by Roxane Gay

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021

Join us as we chat about some shocking findings from 2019 that indicate that only 1/3 of Canadian adults eat a recommended amount of fruits and vegetables regularly. Sandy tells us some of the cool things she’s learning in her Nutritional Supplement course while Henny is obsessed with quoting from one of her all-time favourite movies for some reason. Finally, we both are going a bit nuts . . . Sandy’s drinking water out of mason jars, and Henny is zesting lemons! What are you doing these days?
*Show Notes*
Article we mentioned:
Movie we mentioned:
Troop Beverly Hills

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021

Join us as we chat about the importance of being realistic in our goal setting to avoid setting ourselves up for feeling like failures. Sandy is being extra Canadian this week by organizing to vote by mail and by planning an October thanksgiving meal for her friends in Peru. Henny is also being extra Canadian by supporting not just one local bakery - but two! Finally, we discuss mindful eating. Can we use the clock to help us measure whether or not it’s an appropriate time to eat?
*Show Notes*
Books we mentioned:
Fast. Feast. Repeat. by Gin Stephens
The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung

Tuesday Sep 14, 2021

Join us as we chat about some foods that tickle our tastebuds when they’re prepared one way and don’t interest us at all if prepared a different way. Spoiler: Mashed potatoes are a NO for Sandy, and Henny won’t touch a soft-boiled egg! Then we discuss WW habit fatigue. We delve into the specific habits that bore us and the ones that we sometimes resent. Finally, Sandy recommends a few body positive shows that we all should watch!
*Show Notes*
Shows we mentioned:
Physical on Apple+
Shrill on Crave
Ted Lasso on Apple+

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