Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy

Our podcast is just us, chatting about activity, food, mindset, and life in general.

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Tuesday Jan 25, 2022

Join us as we chat about food, fitness, and feelings. First, Henny has been gifted a whole bunch of eggs and needs some recipe tips for ways to use them all up. Then we discuss some of our favourite (and recent) forays into online fitness videos (check out the YouTube channels listed in the Show Notes). Finally, Sandy started reading a book about the stress cycle and emotional tunnels. Feeling stuck? Don’t worry! Even if the end isn’t in sight, it’s there somewhere!
**Show Notes**
YouTube Channels we mentioned:
Up to the Beat with Gina B
Get Fit with Rick
Kyra Pro
The Studio with Jamie Kinkeade
Books we mentioned:
Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Amelia and Emily Nagoski
The Shift: 7 Powerful Mindset Changes for Lasting Weight Loss by Dr. Gary Foster

Tuesday Jan 18, 2022

Join us as we chat about flexibility in our thinking, our mindset, and our expectations. Being flexible is a skill that we’ve both been working to develop, and although we both really like to be in control, we’re learning to let some things go. Sandy gives us an update on her recent surgery and the recovery process while Henny shares a few little gems from a couple of books she’s read recently. Finally, we giggle about some great advice shared in Hallie Bateman’s new book. What’s the best advice for life you’ve ever received? 
**Show Notes**
Books we mentioned:
Directions: Really Good Advice For Getting From Here to There by Hallie Bateman
Big: Stories about Life in Plus-Sized Bodies edited by Christina Myers

Tuesday Jan 11, 2022

Join us as we chat about the things we can learn from watching other people eat! Have you ever noticed how slowly some people chew? Or that some people put their fork down between every bite? Or that others eat the food on their plate in a clockwise direction? (We’re pretty sure we’re making that last one up!) Then we discuss a podcast Sandy came across focused on food insecurity, accessibility, and injustice in Ontario. This leads us to some serious discussion about what can be done and some silly stories too (are you surprised?!).
*Show Notes*
Podcast we mentioned:
Hard to Stomach (a CBC podcast)

Tuesday Jan 04, 2022

Join us as we chat about the fallacy of a fresh start . . . aren’t we always taking previous experiences, lessons learned, and memories of the past with us when we step into a new moment, a new day, or a new year? Henny is super excited about a book she just finished, and we discuss the possibility that WW has a lot of cultish language and tendencies (in the best possible way, that is). Finally, we reminisce about reading Shonda Rimes’ book, Year of Yes, and we think about the things we’re going to say “yes” to in 2022.
**Show Notes**
Books we mentioned:
Year of Yes by Shonda Rimes
Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell 

Tuesday Dec 28, 2021

Join us as we chat about reflections on the year behind us and things we’re looking forward to in the year to come. As we wrap up 2021, Sandy challenges Henny to think about the things she’s done this year of which she’s proud, and that does prove to be a bit of a challenge. Then we discuss the fact that the more we think about positive things, the more we realize that there are lots! What did you do in 2021 that has you feeling good?

Tuesday Dec 21, 2021

Join us as we chat about stress, burnout, and a variety of ways to end the stress cycle. Sandy introduces us to her new fur baby (you might hear him assert himself a few times) and then she lets the listeners in on a few of Henny’s biggest personality flaws. We discuss misophonia . . . how is it possible that Sandy didn’t realize that Henny suffers from this in a major way? Finally, we talk about stress specifically related to the holidays and share a few strategies related to enjoying holiday food and still feeling good about ourselves.
*Show Notes*
Book we mentioned:
Burnout by Emily and Amelia Nagoski
Podcasts we mentioned:
Unlocking Us with Brene Brown
Hypochondriactor with Sean Hayes

Tuesday Dec 14, 2021

Join us as we chat about being relentless. What does it mean to be relentless? Why should we be that way? And how can we continue to be relentless when we’re just plain tired? We also discuss expectations and the importance of revising the expectations we have of ourselves, of others, and of situations. Finally, we talk about whether or not it’s fair to say that you can have anything if you want it badly enough. What do you think?
*Show Notes*
Book we mentioned:
Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life by Gary John Bishop
Website we mentioned:

Tuesday Dec 07, 2021

Join us as we chat about how necessary it was for us to fully understand and believe that mindset was an important part of our weight loss and health journeys. We also invited another guest to join us today, and with her, we discuss make-up habits, sounds our bodies make, and ZeroPoint foods. Finally, the three of us talk about our relationships with the scale. Check-in, measure of worth, or obsession? Where do you weigh in on this discussion? (Pun intended.)
*Show Notes*
Book we mentioned:
The Shift by Dr. Gary Foster

Tuesday Nov 30, 2021

Join us as we chat about friends . . . the friends we have, the friends we wish we had, the challenge of making friends, and the work it takes to maintain and deepen friendships. Also, for the first time ever, we have a guest on the show! As a trio, we discuss our experiences of living with WW PersonalPoints for the past couple of weeks. If you’re interested in hearing a voice other than Henny’s or Sandy’s, this episode is just for you! (Don’t worry . . . we still both have plenty to say!)
*Show Notes*
Podcast we mentioned:
Am I Normal? with Mona Chalabi (Specifically, the episode from October 18 titled: How many friends do I need?)

Tuesday Nov 23, 2021

Join us as we chat about how important it is to have the support that you need . . . in life . . . and in your weight loss/weight maintenance/wellness journey. Henny has really changed her thinking over the past few years about what support actually can look like, and she shares some recent 'aha' moments about her ongoing desire to shy away from asking for help. We also discuss gratitude, and Sandy has no problem identifying 3 good things at the moment of our conversation. Can you guess what they might have been?
Book we mentioned:
The Shift: 7 Powerful Mindset Changes for Lasting Weight Loss by Dr. Gary Foster

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