Beyond the Weight with Henny and Sandy

Our podcast is just us, chatting about activity, food, mindset, and life in general.

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Tuesday May 30, 2023

Join us as we chat about how good it can feel to stop withholding information and just tell all your secrets to those who care for you. We also discuss a few myths about sugar, where those myths come from, and why those myths can be dangerous. Finally, we dabble into a conversation about universal design. What are some strategies that you use that might be necessary for some but are helpful/useful for all?
**Show Notes**
Podcasts we mentioned:
Maintenance Phase
Normalize This

Tuesday May 23, 2023

Join us as we chat about everything from weight loss gummies to almond moms to decision fatigue. We discuss the psychology of effort and contemplate how it can sometimes feel like we’re putting in so much effort when we might not actually be really trying that hard. We also discuss how often we don’t seem to see the results we would expect given the effort we have expended. Finally, Sandy has recently been told she’s the spitting image of Ann Murray. It’s tough out there, folks! 
**Show Notes**
Podcasts we mentioned:
How to Be Fine
Armchair Expert
Book we mentioned:
Attention Span: A Groundbreaking Way to Restore Balance, Happiness and Productivity by Gloria Mark

Tuesday May 16, 2023

Join us as we chat about the skills you need to make and keep friends, especially as an adult. These include showing initiative, being vulnerable, and demonstrating affection. Sandy has been learning some more life hacks on Instagram, and we also learn that Henny is turning over a new leaf these days! Check out the episode to learn more!
**Show Notes**
Book we mentioned:
Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make - and Keep - Friends by Marisa G. Franco

Tuesday May 09, 2023

Join us as we chat about a few things that are really annoying us lately! Then Sandy turns the conversation around as she shares about her most recent Peruvian and gastronomical adventure. Finally, we discuss some wild “facts and claims” that we learned about this week. It’s a great time!
**Show Notes**
Podcast we mentioned:
Maintenance Phase

Tuesday May 02, 2023

Join us as we chat about everything from Sandy’s Homemade Lasagna to Henny’s Chicken Broccoli Divan (well, it’s actually Skinnytaste’s recipe) to the difference between kcal and Calorie (spoiler alert: there is none) to what the word “awesome” actually means. We also discuss whether or not it’s a waste of time to finish a book you don’t really like or to follow people on social media whose posts you scroll right past. It’s a fun and laughter-filled episode, so give it a listen!
**Show Notes**
Podcasts we mentioned:
Food, We Need to Talk
Aggressive Salad
Book we mentioned:
Burn: How Research Blows the Lid Off How We Really Burn Calories, Stay Healthy, and Lose Weight by Herman Pontzer

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023

Join us as we chat about what happens when there is an absence of scientific evidence . . . (spoiler alert: people are bound to make things up). We found a new podcast to listen to and discuss a bunch of topics including whether or not tracking your food is necessary for weight loss, why it’s important to understand why you want to lose weight (if that’s what you want to do), and how nutrition science is always changing. Finally, we celebrate the upcoming long awaited return of the Walnut Crunch to a Tim Hortons near us (and maybe you too!)
**Show Notes**
Podcast we mentioned:
Aggressive Salad: Nutrition with a Bite
Book we mentioned:
Atlas of the Heart by Brené Brown

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023

Join us as we chat about aging, how our bodies change as we age, what we might learn from those who are older than we are, and the fact that age really is just a number. We discuss the way comparison can lead to negative self talk, and although we’d like to stop those negative feelings, we haven’t figured out a way to do that just yet. Finally, we marvel at how impactful “non-exercise” can be for our physical health. Get moving, everyone!
**Show Notes**
Podcasts we mentioned:
Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus
No Stupid Questions
Food, We Need to Talk
Book we mentioned:
Atlas of the Heart by Brené Brown

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023

Join us as we chat about the simple truth about how to eat in a way that will keep our bodies happy and healthy. Yes, there are some things that nutritionists and food experts do agree on! We also discuss the potential power of a life coach, the potential harm of refusing to enjoy the things that we have, and the potential need to change your job every 3-5 years. Finally, Sandy thinks she might become an avid pickle-baller. What do you think?
**Show Notes**
Podcasts we mentioned:
How to Be Fine
Food, We Need to Talk
Flightless Bird

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023

Join us as we chat about how change can impact our lives in troublesome ways, in unexpected ways, and in positive ways. Henny has a ridiculous story about her latest experience at the bank, and Sandy is not surprised about any of it because it all took place at “the bad bank.” We also discuss the blessing of social health care after hearing of some people’s financially-crushing hospital experiences south of the border.
**Show Notes**
Podcasts we mentioned:
Flightless Bird (particularly the episode on Rabies)
How to Be Fine

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023

Join us as we chat about our experiences having overweight . . . we discuss representation of fatness in media, we debate whether or not it’s necessary for fat people to portray fat characters in film, we explore our own implicit biases towards thinness, and we wonder about other myths about fat people that we have been trained to believe. It’s a jam-packed episode! Listen and share your thoughts with us too!
**Show Notes**
Books we mentioned:
Bare by Susan Hyatt
“You Just Need to Lose Weight”: And 19 Other Myths About Fat People by Aubrey Gordon
Website we mentioned:
Project Implicit (

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